The Menorah Candle

 The Menorah Candle

Peeking at the TV set, 

when I awoke last night,

there was a picture-perfect Jew

(Long beard, silly black hat and black coat)

lighting the Chanukah menorah candle,

outside Waukesha Co. courthouse.

The FOX6 News showed people

standing around 

to watch the event.

I'm no Jew, but am spiritual enough

to go watch,

be socially active. 


I packed the dog in the truck,

we'd only go for a minute.

Florence + The Machine's cover of “Stand by Me” 

playing on the radio,

setting an honest, melodiousness for driving.

But arriving there, there was nobody

(Save a Black FedEx truck driver, unloading a mailbox).

No perfect Jew! No news vans! No crowd of people!

Only a parking lot, 

with a giant candle display

standing in the blowing wind--all lonely.

Turning to my dog—sitting on the passenger seat—

I said, "Well, . . . that was something,"

while turning the truck around

and heading back home from nothing.


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